Saturday, November 11, 2006

One: The Campaign To Make Poverty History, is an inspiring and important site for those who care about the inhabitants of our Mother Earth. The site was designed to bring awareness about poverty and AIDS in Africa and has been very influential in bringing positive and hopeful change.

Two days ago I received an e-mail telling about an extraordinary feat that is occurring: three runners from three countries are attempting the impossible – running 4,000 miles across the Sahara Desert to raise awareness for the 1.2 billion people around the world who don’t have access to clean water. They will run 50 miles a day - for approximately 90 days - an amazing feat of human will and endurance.
Charlie Engle (USA), Ray Zahab (Canada), and Kevin Lin (Taiwan) - are undertaking a quest that no human being has ever fulfilled. The link to follow these men's progress is at

If this remarkable feat moves or inspires you, you might consider making a donation to